Evaluation of a Potential Association between Head Lice (Pediculus capitis) Infestation and Anemia among Female Primary School Students in Holy Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:K. Mohamed, Elmubarak, A., Gafer, M., Alsulami, M., Albar, H. Tariq, Abdel-Fattaha, M.
Journal:Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
Date Published:Dec-13-2021
Type of Article:Open Access
Keywords:Children, hemoglobin, lice, Makkah

Aims: This study aimed to determine if there was an association between head lice infestation and anemia among female primary schools students.

Study Design: Case-control study.

Place and Duration of Study: Holy Makkah, Saudi Arabia between August 2020 and November 2020.

Methodology: We conducted a case-control study by comparing hemoglobin levels among study subjects with and without head lice infestation. Female students at 6 randomly selected primary schools were examined for the presence of head lice. Hemoglobin levels were obtained from each study subject; both those with and without head lice. Selected characteristics of study subjects were recorded and examined to determine associations between those factors and  anemia.

Results: A total of 82 subjects were included in the study; 44 subjects with head lice. The average (± standard deviation) age of subjects was 11 (± 2) (range: 6-11) years. We found a significant (p<0.028) association between the presence of head lice and hemoglobin level, the OR= 2.036 at 95% confidence interval 0.23 to 18.009. The mean of hemoglobin in subjects with lice was 13(±2) while the level in subjects without lice was 14.8(±2). Other factors significantly associated with the level of hemoglobin were being aged 10-11 years (p<0.05) and having a non-working mother (p<0.05).

Conclusion: In our study we found a significant association between head lice and level of hemoglobin among study subjects. Further studies are needed to determine the reason of this association in order to determine the appropriate management and prevention of this problem.

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