Prevalence assessment of ectoparasitic arthropods among commonly consumed wildlife in Nsukka, southeast Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:K. Uchenna Ozioko, Okoye, C. Ikem, Ubachukwu, P. Obiageli, Agbu, R. Awudu, Ezewudo, B. Izuchukwu, Ezea, C. Osita
Journal:Bulletin of the National Research Centre
Pagination:7 pp
Date Published:Jan-06-2021
Keywords:Ectoparasites Infestation, Nigeria, Prevalence, wildlife

Background: Wildlife reservoirs not only act as a source of infection for vectors but also serve as hosts for the vectors themselves, supporting their populations. Their public health significance in developing countries is of growing importance as a result of zoonotic and enzootic diseases associated with the pathogens they transmit. Therefore, a study was carried out to determine the prevalence of ectoparasites of wild game in Nsukka, southeast Nigeria. Physical examinations were carried out on 143 wildlife, and laboratory identification was employed on the ectoparasites. The collected ectoparasites were identified in the laboratory using literature and with the help of a taxonomist.

Results: Out of the 143 game examined, 114 was infected with at least one parasite representing about 98.6% of an infestation. Among the parasites identified,Amblyomma spp. showed the highest prevalence of 24.5% at 95% confidential intervals of CI (1.45–3.19)–24.5% (p ≤ 0.05). No difference was observed in the prevalence of the ectoparasites according to sex, except forIxodes holocyclus.Similarly, no difference was observed in prevalence with reference to age except forRhipicephalus spp. andPolyplax spinulosawhich showed differences

Conclusions: The present study provides basic data about the most prevalent ectoparasitic arthropod among game in Nsukka, southeast Nigeria, which requires an evaluation of its zoonotic control measures. This work can elicit the risk of possible transmission of some zoonotic and enzootic diseases via game. Improving awareness among local people and bushmeat dealers about the risk of contracting a vector-borne disease through wildlife is crucial.

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