Prevalence and Associated Factors of Head Lice (Pediculosis capitis) Among Primary School Students in Varzaqan Villages, Northwest of Iran

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:M. Sepehri, Jafari Z.
Journal:Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Issue:1 (e104042)
Pagination:5 pp
Date Published:Dec-16-2021
Keywords:head lice, Prevalence, primary school

Background: Pediculosis capitis or head lice infestation is one of the most critical public health problems, primarily involving primary school children. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Pediculus capitis contamination among primary school students in the villages of Varzaqan city, East Azerbaijan province, Iran, in 2020.

Methods: Overall, 400 primary school students aged 7 - 12 were selected through convenience sampling. First, a demographic checklist was filled out for each participant, and then hair examination was carried out individually and privately to detect head lice or eggs/nits. The data analysis was performed using descriptive (frequency and percentage) and analytical methods, including chi-square and t-tests (SPSS, version 16). A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: Of 400 students, 41 (10.3%) were infested with P. capitis. The prevalence rate significantly differed between boys (6.2%) and girls (14.8%). There was a significant association between pediculosis and mother’s education, father’s job, family income, history of infestation, number of combs per day, and frequency of hair washing per week.

Conclusions: According to the prevalence of head lice in primary school children, we need to increase the awareness and train children, parents, and teachers through further cross-sectoral cooperation between education and health centers. Also, the presence of a hygiene teacher at school to improve the health status of students can significantly reduce the prevalence of pediculosis.

Short Title:Zahedan J Res Med Sci.
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