Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:V. P. Starikov, Vershinin, E. A., Kravchenko, V. N., Borodin, A. V., Petukhov, V. A., Bernikov, K. A.
Date Published:Sep-01-2019

Paper in Russian

Исследовано 6583 мелких млекопитающих 15 видов. С них собрано 5527 вшей четырёх видов. Обсуждаются видовой состав, встречаемость и численность вшей на насекомоядных, грызунах и мелких хищных. Рассмотрены особенности распределения вшей в пойме Оби и надпойменной террасе, сезонные, половозрастные изменения зараженности для одного из доминирующих видов мелких млекопитающих – полевки-экономки (Alexandromys oeconomus Pallas).

Ключевые слова: вши, мелкие млекопитающие, Среднее Приобье, средняя тайга Западной

English title: Lice (Anoplura) of small mammals of the middle Ob region

Abstract: A study of lice (Anoplura) was performed in 2015-2018 in the moderate taiga of West Siberia in the territory of the middle Ob region (within Ugra). 15 species of small mammals were determined as lice hosts. The most significant species include Alexandromys oeconomus, Microtus rossiae meridionalis, M. agrestis, Myodes glareolus, and M. rutilus. The widest host circle is characteristic of Hoplopleur acanthopus, which also dominates among all lice species found on small mammals. Peak numbers of lice correlate with periods of highest reproductive intensity of mammals, occurring in late spring and early autumn. With an example of the background species, A. oeconomus, the highest degree of infestation mainly by H. acanthopus was recorded in adult males. In adult females, these indices were significantly lower, and they were especially low in young animals. In the population structure of H. acanthopus, females prevail in comparison with males and larvae (approx. 50%). Co-parasitism of lice on small mammals is especially pronounced in adult animals. Lice species Hoplopleura edentula, Hoplopleura longula, and Polyplax hannswrangeli were recorded from the examined territory for the first time.

An equivalent paper publsihed in English later in 2021 see: https://zin.ru/journals/parazitologiya/contents_eng.asp?year=2022&issue=1 OR https://phthiraptera.myspecies.info/node/96184

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