The environment and host effects on chewing lice prevalence, richness, and abundance on birds in Turkey

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2023
Authors:E. Yamaç, Dik, B., Cavus, M.
Journal:Ornithology Research
Date Published:Jun-20-2023
Keywords:birds, ectoparasites, Ixobrychus minutus, Larus michahelli, Melopsittacus undulatus, Migration, Urban area, Wetland

The prevalence, number of species, and individual numbers of chewing lice found on birds may vary depending on different biotic and abiotic factors. Studies detecting the effects of different conditions on chewing lice were carried out generally on bird species belonging to one order or family. In addition, there can be conflict concerning the ecological effects on chewing lice. In this study, 2101 individuals of fifty-nine different bird species were evaluated to identify the habitat, food guild, migration behavior, weight, wingspan, and length effects on chewing lice prevalence, species richness, and abundance. The highest prevalence was detected in urban-dwelling bird species. The highest lice richness was recorded on migratory bird species living in wetlands. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between wingspan and lice species. The most abundant lice were detected on resident wetland-dwelling bird species. It is thought that detailed studies should be carried out to explain not only host habitat effect on prevalence and abundance but also host body length and wingspan on the abundance and richness.

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