Human infestation with pubic lice

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:A. Maheshwary
Journal:International Journal of Research in Dermatology
Date Published:Jun-23-2020
Keywords:crabs, Permethrin, Presentation, pubic lice, Treatment

Pediculosis pubis is caused by Phthirus pubis (diptera: anoplura) commonly known as crab louse, an obligatory ectoparasite, found on human hair and requires human blood to survive. Pubic lice can be found on pubic hair, underarms, thigh and leg hair, beard and rarely on eyebrows and eyelashes. They are rarely found on scalp hair. Spread of lice occurs mostly by sexual contact but spread via non-sexual contact although rare has also been reported. I present the case of a middle-aged woman with pubic lice. No lice/nits were found in underarm hair, eyebrows or eyelashes. A review of literature is enclosed.

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