Rate of population expansion of Goniodes dissimilis Denny, 1842 (Ischnocera: Phthiraptera: Insecta)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:A. Ahmad
Journal:Nature and Science
ISSN:1545-0740 (print), 2375-7167 (online)
Keywords:In Vitro, lice, rate of natural increase

The average incubation period of the eggs recorded 5.55 + 0.19 days (range, 4-8 days, n=249), duration three nymphal instars 5.76 + 0.12 days (range, 4-7 days, n=211), 5.53 + 0.18 days (range, 4-7 days, n=185), 5.27 + 0.14 days (range, 4-7 days, n=128) respectively. The  average adult life span of males and females was recorded 14.20 + 3.14 days (range, 2-26 days, n=60, 17.20 + 3.24 days (range, 2-29 days, n=60). The obtained through in vitro experimentation life table was constructed. Thus, maternal frequency was determined by multiplying the daily average egg rate by a factor of 0.51. The gross reproductive rate appeared to be 13.20; the net reproductive rate 2.83, mean length of generation 23.01 and precise corrected generation time 24.43. The value of intrinsic rate of natural increase was computed by using trial values of ‘r’ to find the figure which satisfies the equation ∑e-rmx lxmx=1 shows that the values of e-rmx when r=0.039. With this value of ‘r’ the summation of ∑e-rmx lxmx proved to be 1.029. Likewise, at this value of ‘r’ the doubling time of G.dissimilis Denny, 1842 was found to be 23.90 days.

Paper also publsihed in Ahmad A. Ahmad A. Rate of population expansion of ischnoceran louse, Goniodes dissimilis Denny, 1842 (Isochnera: (sic) Phthiraptera: Insecta). Asian Journal of Advances in Research 2022; 14(1): 45-54. https://www.mbimph.com/index.php/AJOAIR/article/view/2854

Also see https://phthiraptera.myspecies.info/node/96258

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