Evaluating the efficacy of Capparis spinosa Total flavonoids to control Bird Lice (Menacanthus stramineus)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:L. Shaker Kad Al-Timimi, Shafeeq, M. Abdul Azee, Hasan, Z. Yaseen Moh
Journal:Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Date Published:Mar-24-2022
ISSN:0974-360X, 0974-3618
Keywords:Capparis spinosa, Chicken lice, nsecticidal, total flavonoid.

The present study included an in-vitro and in-vivo insecticidal investigation for one of wild Iraqi plant Capparis spinosa total flavonids on locally chicken lice (Menacanthus stramineus). Extraction of total flavonoids from 115g of fresh plant samples by reflex extraction with 600ml distilled water with (10% v/ v) HCl, for 8 hours continuously and the aglycon part was obtained with ethyl acetate. The acetate layer was dried and the residue was weighted and subjected for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Three flavonoids concentrations of Capparis spinosa total Flavonoid (5,3 and 1) mg/ml in 100ml distilled water to treat a collected sample of Bird Lice (Menacanthus stramineus) in vitro and in vivo at different life stages in comparison to a traditional anti lice drug treatment permethrin (0.5mg/ml) as positive control. Distilled water application was considered as negative control. Results of present study showed that the plant was rich with different types of flavonoids and the effect of flavonoid extracts of the Capparis spinosa plant in the decimation of the different stage of chicken body lice, as the concentration factor had non-significant effect on the killing of adult and a significant effect on the killing of eggs/nymph, and this effect increased with the increase in the concentrations of the extract.

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