Hair surface engineering: Combining nanoarchitectonics with hair topical and beauty formulations

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:I. Guryanov, Naumenko, E., Fakhrullin, R.
Journal:Applied Surface Science Advances
Pagination:11 pp
Date Published:Feb-01-2022
Keywords:Alopecia, Hair nanoarchitectonics, Hair treatment, Nanomaterials, Target delivery

In this review article, the recent approaches to nanoarchitectonics on hair are briefly overviewed. Different types of nanomodifications can be used for the cosmetic and medical applications to provide the aesthetic improvement or treatment of hair and scalp diseases. This article will discuss in detail the various aspects of nanostructures using to enhance the effect of daily care products, to increase the efficiency of penetration of active substances into the hair structures responsible for their regeneration. In general, nanocoatings are promising in the field of application for improving the structure and aesthetics of the hair shaft, as well as for imparting various beneficial properties to hair or for protection from harmful environmental factors. Finally, the approaches of nanoarchitectonics and regenerative medicine will be overviewed from the point of effective methodology for the regeneration of hair follicles creation.

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