Prevelance and clinical signs of chewing lice in local chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Menoua Division, Western highlands of Cameroon

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:M. K. Kouam, Fokeng, A. Namekong, Biekop, H. F., Hako-Touko, A. Blaise, Tebug, T. Tumasang
Journal:Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports
Date Published:Sep-01-2022
Keywords:Cameroon, Clinical signs, ectoparasites, Local chicken, Menoua, Prevalence

Ectoparasite infestations are a major concern in local poultry sector as they cause body weight loss, drop in laying performance and disease transmission. Thus, a study was conducted from April to June 2021 to assess the prevalence and clinical signs of ectoparasites in backyard chickens in Menoua, West region of Cameroon. Ectoparasites were investigated on 400 local chickens. Results showed that out of 400 chickens, 133 (33.3%) were infested with at least one species of ectoparasite. Two chewing lice including Menopon gallinae (26.3%) and Goniocotes gallinae (4.5%) and one blood-feeding louse including Menacanthus stramineus (16.0%) were identified. The prevalence was significantly associated with the sampling site (p < 0.05), with the highest prevalence recorded in Balessing (49.5%), followed by Foreke (38.8%) and Bamendou (27.1%). There was a positive and significant correlation between M. gallinae and M. stramineus (r = 0.329, p < 0.05)), M. gallinae and G. gallinae (r = 0.199, p < 0.05), M. stramineus and G. gallinae (r = 0.103, p < 0.05). Single infestation was the most frequent (19.0%) followed by double infestation which consist of M. gallinae and M. stramineus (9.5%), M. gallinae and G. gallinae (3%), and M. stramineus and G. gallinae (1.5%). The infested chickens exhibited some degree of restlessness, frequent grooming of the feathers associated with skin irritation, itching and mechanical damage on the skin. The skin lesions were localized on the cloaca, thigh, wing, neck and chest areas of the body; petechiae as well as whitish scabs were observed on the lesions. The feathers were ruffled, and the bases of some of the feathers were gnawed as a result of lice bites. In conclusion, chewing lice occur in local chickens in Menoua Division, inducing severe clinical signs. Thus, commercial poultry farms (raising exotic breeds) with access to free range chickens (local chickens) in Menoua Division are exposed to lice infestations from these local chickens. Further investigations are required in the dry season in order to be well acquainted with ectoparasites occurring in the local chickens in the area.

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