Dermoscopy of pediculosis pubis in an octogenarian man

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:C. - T. Ma, Liu, S. I., Fan, Y. - M.
Journal:Age and Ageing
Pagination:1 pp
Date Published:Dec-01-2022
ISSN:0002-0729, 1468-2834
Keywords:Dermoscopy, octogenarians, older people, Pediculosis, pubis

Key points

  • Pediculosis pubis should serve as a differential diagnosis of pubic pruritus in older patients.
  •  Pubic lice are harder to see with naked eye since they are smaller, less pigmented and slowly mobile than head/body lice.
  •  Dermoscopy is rapid and efficient for diagnosis and monitoring by visualizing lice and/or nits.
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