Blood Sucking and Chewing Lice

Publication Type:Book Chapter
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:H. Mehlhorn
Editor:G. Benelli
Series Editor:N. Rezaei
Book Title:Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity
Number of Volumes:4
Chapter:section 6
Edition:1st Edition
ISBN Number:9780323903035
Keywords:Body lice Head lice Mallophaga

Today lice infestations are one of the most common human infections in the world—especially in kindergarten and in school-children aged between 3 and 15 years. It is estimated that even in countries with high hygienic standards, such as the United States, high infestation rates exist (about 6–12 millions of kids just in the United States), that result in several million lost school days and treatment costs of more than $5 billion per year. Similar costs must surely exist worldwide in all countries where there is medication available for purchase. Thus it is a reasonable goal to establish significant, safe, healthy and low budget eradication methods for lice control in a world of growing resistance.

Tue, 2023-10-24 17:14 -- Yokb
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith