Determination of Knockdown Resistance (kdr) Allele Frequencies (T929I mutation) in Head Louse Populations from Mexico, Canada, and Peru

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:G. Ponce-Garcia, Villanueva-Segura, O. K., Garza-Elizondo, K., Villegas-Ramirez, H. M., Fernández-Salas, I., Rodriguez-Sanchez, I. P., Dzul-Manzanilla, F., Flores-Suarez, A. E.
Journal:The Korean Journal of Parasitology
Date Published:Jun-30-2022
Type of Article:Brief communication
ISSN:0023-4001, 1738-0006
Keywords:kdr, T929I

The head louse Pediculus humanus capitis (De Geer) is a hematophagous ectoparasite that inhabits the human scalp. The infestations are asymptomatic; however, skin irritation from scratching occasionally may cause secondary bacterial infections. The present study determined the presence and frequency of the knockdown resistance (kdr) mutation T929I in 245 head lice collected from Mexico, Peru, and Canada. Head lice were collected manually using a comb in the private head lice control clinic. Allele mutation at T9291 was present in 100% of the total sampled populations (245 lice) examined. In addition, 4.89% of the lice were homozygous susceptible, whereas 6.93% heterozygous and 88.16% homozygous were resistant, respectively. This represents the second report in Mexico and Quebec and fist in Lima.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith