A Rare Case of Anemia Secondary to Lice Infestation

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:J. Slovin, Niazi, B. A., Kinkhabwala, M., Ang, A., Sirajuddin, S.
Pagination:3 pp
Date Published:Jul-20-2022
Keywords:anemia, homeless, hygiene, Ivermectin, lice

Lice are parasitic infections that can infect humans and survive by consuming host blood. They are most commonly associated with a lack of hygiene and occur most commonly in school-age children, homeless populations, and densely populated areas. Lice infections can potentially lead to vector-containing illness and are rarely complicated by acute blood loss anemia. These side effects, while exceedingly rare, are often very significant and potentially life-threatening. Here we present a rare case of severe anemia found in a patient with chronic lice colonization. We hope our findings will broaden the differential for acute anemias and raise awareness of lice infection as a possible cause of acute anemia.

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