Lice (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Ischnocera) collected on the birds in the Aras basin in Iğdır Province, Türkiye with new records and new host associations

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2024
Authors:B. Dik, Çoban, A., Kirpik, M. Ali, Keskin, A., Çatalkaya, B., Çoban, E., ekercioğlu, Ç. Hakkı Ş.
Journal:Parasitology Research
Pagination:13 pp
Date Published:Jan 2024
Keywords:Acronirmus gracilis, avian, biodiversity, Bird migration, ectoparasite, Maculinirmus mundus, Meropsiella apiastri, Ornithology, Rostrinirmus buresi

Chewing lice (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera and Amblycera) are permanent ectoparasites of birds and primarly feed on the feathers
and scales of birds. To detect the chewing lice species found on birds in Aras basin, Igdir, Türkiye, a total of 240 birds represented
by 61 species belonging to 30 families in 13 orders were examined during the 2021 bird migration season. A total of 531 (186
females, 136 males and 209 nymphs) lice were collected from 75 individuals (31,25% of birds examined) of 26 species, 21 families
and 10 orders. Thirty-one lice species (11 amblyceran and 20 ischnoceran species) in 22 genera were identified. Of these, 15 lice
species were reported for the first time in Türkiye, namely Cuculiphilus fasciatus, Pseudomenopon qadrii, Philopterus sp., Ricinus
serratus, Philopterus picae, Rostrinirmus buresi, Sturnidoecus sp., Philopterus excisus, Philopterus microsomaticus, Philopterus
coarctatus, Brueelia fuscopleura, Sturnidoecus pastoris, Brueelia currucae, Penenirmus auritus and Strigiphilus tuleskovi. In
addition, new host associations were reported for the lice species Kurodaia fulvofasciata, Degeeriella rufa and Myrsidea rustica

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith