Identification of parasitic arthropods collected from domestic and wild animals in Yucatan, Mexico.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:J. E. Garcia-Rejon, Tzuc-Dzul, J., Cetina-Trejo, R., Madera-Navarrete, M. I., Cigarroa-Toledo, N., Chan-Perez, J. I., Ortega-Pacheco, A., Torres-Chable, O. M., Pietri, J. E., Baak-Baak, C. M.
Journal:Annals of Parasitology
Keywords:Chewing lice, fleas, Neotropical deer ked, Patagioenas flavirostris, poultry, ticks, Trypanosoma cruzi, Tyranniphilopterus sp.

The morphological characterization of ectoparasites from domestic and wild animals is crucial to distinguish those that may be involved in the transmission of zoonotic pathogens. The objectives of this work were to identify parasitic arthropods collected from several hosts in Yucatan State, Mexico and to determine the prevalence of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi in sylvatic specimens of Triatoma dimidiata. Morphological traits and scanning electron microscopy were used to confirm some parasitic identities. In total, 834 parasitic arthropods of various taxa were identified. Amblyomma americanum, Amblyomma maculatum, Amblyomma parvum, Dermacentor variabilis, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus were identified from dogs, horses, sheep, and deer. The flea Ctenocephalides felis was identified from dogs and the human flea, Pulex irritans was found on horses and sheep. The Neotropical deer ked Lipoptena mazamae was identified from brown brocket deer Mazama pandora. The chewing lice Chelopistes meleagridis, Menacanthus stramineus, Menopon gallinae, Myrsidea sp. and Lipeurus caponis were identified from poultry (Meleagris gallopavo and Gallus gallus). Other chewing lice, Tyranniphilopterus sp., Columbicola columbae, and Physconelloides eurysema were identified from wild birds Pachyramphus aglaiae, Patagioenas flavirostris and Zenaida asiatica, respectively. Trypanosoma cruzi was present in 52.5% of sylvatic adult T. dimidiata. Several of these findings represent new records of ectoparasites for Yucatan and new distribution areas in Mexico. The implications for human and animal health are discussed.

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