Case Series of Phthirus pubis Infestation in Non-Perineal Regions

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2023
Authors:J. Nie, Shen, X., Li, Y., Wang, W.
Journal:Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
Volume:Volume 16
Date Published:Aug-01-2023
Type of Article:Open Access
Keywords:axillary region, Dermoscopy, Eyelashes, head

Pediculosis has been reported in all countries and socio-economic classes. Due to the small size and translucent nature of their nits, patients with Pthirus pubis may be misdiagnosed. Here, we report three cases of Pthirus pubis infection involving different body sites, including the eyelashes, axillary region and head, respectively. This case series have discussed their clinical features and corresponding responses. A large number of eggs and adult pubic lice were observed under dermoscopic observation, which can be considered an effective tool for diagnosing Pthirus pubis and reducing the misdiagnosis rate

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