Supplement 24, Part 1, Authors: A To Z, Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology

Publication Type:Government Report
Year of Publication:1982
Authors:S. J. Edwards, Hood, M. W., Shaw, J. H., Rayburn, J. D., Kirby, M. D., Hanfman, D. T., Zidar, J. A.
Section:Supplement 24, Part 1
Edition:Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology
Publisher:The Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ, USA


The Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology is an index to the world's literature on animal parasites of animals, including man. It has been maintained in cumulative files since 1892. Only the Author Catalogue has been published in its entirety. A revision of the Author Catalogue of the Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology, consisting of Parts 1
to 18, was published during the period 1932-52. Beginning in 1953, a series of supplements designed to publish the backlog was initiated. This was completed with Supplement 6, published in 1956. From 1956 to 1964, supplements covering authors A to Ζ were issued on annual basis.

Beginning with Supplement 15, the Parasite Subject Catalogues, containing indices to the author references, have been issued. The Author Catalogues of Supplements 15-21 continued the format of previous supplements. Users should note that for each reference in the Author Catalogues of these supplements the author(s) plus the date and letter (e.g., Smith, J.; and Doe, L., 1978 b) are the key to all items in the ParasiteSubject Catalogues derived from that reference. In other words, when using the Parasite-Subject Catalogues of Supplements 15-21, it is necessary to consult the Author Catalogue of the corresponding supplementfor complete bibliographic information.

Commencing with Supplement 22, basic bibliographic information is included with each entry in Parts 2-7. It should be emphasized, however, that it will still be useful to consult the Author Catalogue for a variety of other information that may be found there: Title of the reference, translated title, language of text and summaries, published corrections, related refer-
ences by the same author, and other miscellaneous information.

Each supplement consists of the following parts:
Part 1, Authors: A-Z
Part 2, Parasite-Subject Catalogue: Parasites: Protozoa
Part3, Parasite-Subject Catalogue: Parasites: Trematoda and Cestoda
Part 4, Parasite-Subject Catalogue: Parasites: Nematoda and Acanthocephala
Part 5, Parasite-Subject Catalogue: Parasites: Arthropoda and Miscellaneous Phyla
Part 6, Parasite-Subject Catalogue: Subject Headings and Treatment
Part 7, Parasite-Subject Catalogue: Hosts

Users should bear in mind that this is an Index- Catalogue, not a treatise, and should not expect to find reasons for any given entry. Nor does citing of synonymy mean that it is necessarily correct. The same statement holds for hosts, locations, localities, authorship of taxa, designation of new taxa, etc. These items are cited as given by the author(s) of the publication being indexed.

The information included in any given supplement represents only the publications that have been indexed in that supplement; and therefore, exclusion of, or limited entries for, any given author or parasite has no significance. No pretension is made for completeness, and assistance in correcting errors or obtaining additional information is appreciated. Reprints of papers on parasitology are requested.

This edition of the index catalogue is compiled, as usual, by the Animal Parasitology Institute, Agriculture Research Service, U.S Department of Agriculture, but is published in hard copy by The Oryx Press. Shirley J. Edwards, Editor

See also

Part 5 see or

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith