Baseline Health Survey of Northern Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) From Across Western Oklahoma

Publication Type:Thesis
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:S. T. Wyckoff
Academic Department:Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Number of Pages:ix, 126 pp
Date Published:Dec 2021
University:University of Georgia
Keywords:health survey, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Oxyspirura petrowi, parasites, pathogens, population decline

The Northern Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) is a valuable upland game bird in Oklahoma that has been suffering from severe and ongoing population decline. In this study, we evaluated the health of bobwhite quail across western Oklahoma through necropsy and screening for selected pathogens and parasites.  A total of 206 bobwhite were sampled, processed, and were found to be in overall good condition with ample muscle mass and visible fat stores. Many pathogens screened for were not found; however, several pathogens or protozoan parasites of potential importance were detected including Toxoplasma gondii and Avian Adenovirus. Although numerous species of external, intramuscular, intraorbital and gastrointestinal parasites were observed, the prevalence and intensities were low. However, two parasites (Aulonocephalus pennula and Raillietina) were associated with reduced fat stores. Establishing baseline health data can help guide management strategies to preserve existing populations of the Northern Bobwhite Quail in Oklahoma.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith