A review of the Mallophaga parasitizing the Columbiformes of North America north of Mexico -Thesis

Publication Type:Thesis
Year of Publication:1976
Authors:W. W. Hill
Academic Department:Graduate School
Degree:Master of Science
Number of Pages:106 pp
University:Southwest Texas State University
City:San Marcos
Thesis Type:Master of Science

Unpublished thesis

Two new species of Hohorstiella are described and illustrated: Hohorstiella paladinella Hill and Tuff sp. nov. from Zenaidura macroura (L.) and Hohorstiella passerinae Hill and Tuff sp. nov. from Columbigallina passerina (L.) and Scardafella inca Lesson. A key to the species of mallophagan parasites of North American Columbiformes is included along with a brief discussion of each species. A Host-Parasite list is also given.

A published paper of the same title with the supervisor D. Tuff can be found in https://www.jstor.org/stable/25083035 or https://phthiraptera.myspecies.info/content/review-mallophaga-parasitizi...

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