First record of ectoparasites (Phthiraptera and Acari) from the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) in Colombia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2024
Authors:H. A. B. Llano, Robayo‐Sánchez, L. N., Ramírez-Hernández, A., Cortés‐Vecino, J. A., Gómez‐Ruiz, D. A., Aguirre‐Ramírez, J. C.
Journal:Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Pagination:10 pp
Date Published:Jul-16-2024
Type of Article:Online version
ISSN:0269-283X, 1365-2915
Keywords:Cathartiformes, lice infestations, mites, Parasitic diseases

AbstractSeveral species of ectoparasites, including chewing lice and mites are closely associated with their hosts. The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) is globally listed as vulnerable by the IUCN and its population has been steadily declining in recent decades suggesting a potential extinction of associated entomofauna. The purpose of this study was to record the species of ectoparasites infesting three individuals of Andean condor found dead in the ‘Páramo del Almorzadero’ Santander Department, Northeastern Colombia. One juvenile (male) and two adults (male and female) Andean condors received for necropsy were carefully examined for ectoparasite infestation. Specimens were collected and preserved in ethanol (70%) for taxonomic studies. Morphologic identification and morphometric records were made under light microscopy. Some specimens were also prepared for scanning electron microscopy and others were subjected to DNA extraction to amplify and obtain sequences of the cytochrome‐C oxidase subunit I (COI) gene for phylogenetic analyses. Lice were collected from the juvenile condor and the adult female and identified as Falcolipeurus assesor (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) in the juvenile condor (8 females, 19 males and 8 nymphs) and the adult (1 female); Colpocephalum trichosum (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) in the juvenile (19 females, 24 males and 1 nymph) and the adult (2 females, 2 males and 3 nymphs); and Cuculiphilus zonatus (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) in the juvenile (40 females, 43 males and 15 nymphs) and the adult (1 male and 2 nymphs). Moreover, one mite collected from the juvenile condor was identified as Ancyralges cathartinus (Acari: Astigmata) (1 female). Morphometric data was obtained for the adult stages of F. assesor (6 females and 13 males), C. trichosum (9 females and 9 males) and C. zonatus (10 females and 10 males). We obtained the first DNA sequences of COI for F. assessor, and C. trichosum, where phylogenetic tree analysis showed that F. assessor is more closely related to Falcolipeurus marginalis, and C. trichosum to Colpocephalum kelloggi. This represents the first record of parasites in Andean condor from Colombia and contributes to the knowledge of chewing lice and mites associated with an endemic and endangered bird species. Further studies on Andean condor ectoparasites should be focused on documenting host–parasite interactions and potential health impacts in these wild birds.

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