Ectoparasite Prevalence in Small Ruminant Livestock of Ginir District in Bale Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2017
Authors:T. Belachew
Journal:Nessa Journal of Veterinary Science
Pagination:6 pp
Type of Article:Open Access
Keywords:ectoparasite, Seasonal Prevalence, small ruminants

Ethiopia with its greatest variation in climate and topography possesses one of the largest small ruminant populations in the world, which is kept extensively mostly by small holder farmers and adjacent to crop production.

This study was conducted to determine the seasonal prevalence and type of Shoats ectoparasites in Ginir district of Bale zone. Clinical examination and laboratory analysis were made on 233 sheep and 567 goats. Out of the 800 sampled animals, 449 (56.2%) were infested with one or more ectoparasite. The prevalent ectoparasites observed were lice, Mange, ticks and kid species.

In our attempt, two cases Tick and Lice species were most prevalent on shoats in the area. In conclusion, the prevalence of ectoparasites in the present study was high in wet than dry season which was 90.05 and 20.2% respectively and this could affect the wellbeing and productivity of small ruminants. Therefore, to reduce ectoparasites prevalence and impact on the productivity and health status, planning of integrated control measures with sustainable veterinary services aiming at creating awareness about the importance and control of ectoparasites for livestock owners is required.

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