Checklist of the Ischnocera (Phthiraptera) of China

Publication Type:Book
Year of Publication:2024
Authors:D. R. Gustafsson, Zou, F., Li, Z., Sun, X.
Series Title:Current Natural Sciences
Number of Pages:1150
Publisher:EDP Sciences & Science Press

Extract from the publisher

China is home to an amazing diversity of birds, with nearly 1500 species recorded. However, little is known about the parasites associated with Chinese birds, which potentially number over 5000 species. Here, for the first time, the published data on ischnoceran chewing lice from China is summarized, to serve as a starting point for future louse studies. 

This includes:

- Descriptions and illustrations of almost all the over 250 species of Ischnocera known from China, including species recorded from China for the first time

- An extensive summary of louse morphology, ecology, and evolution

- Identification key to the genera of Ischnocera known from and suspected to occur in China

- A detailed instruction on how to collect, preserve, identify, and describe louse species from birds

Together,it is hope that this book will both inspire new Chinese researchers to help fill the gap in our knowledge, and provide them with the necessary theoretical basis to make those aspirations a reality.

Reprint Edition:e-book, Published -12 september 2024
Wed, 2024-10-02 16:09 -- Yokb
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