Prevalence and identify ecto-parasites on small ruminants in and around Arsi Negelle

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:A. Kasim, Yussuf, M., Yayeh, M., Birhan, M.
Journal:Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research
Date Published:July 2019
Type of Article:Research Articles
Keywords:Arsi Negelle, ectoparasite, Prevalence, small Ruminant

A cross sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence and identify Ecto-parasites on small ruminants. A total of 422 small ruminants; sheep (n=246) and goats (n=176) were included in and around Arsi Negelle. Simple random sampling method was used to determine clinical infestated animal from healthy animals and data was analysed using SPSS 16 software for the description of p-value and chi-square. The result indicated that overall prevalence of ectoparasite in small ruminant was 126 (29.9%). Of which the prevalence of ectoparasite in sheep and goat was about 77 (31%) and 49 (27%), respectively. The most common ectoparasite encountered in order of their predominance were, lice (31.7%), flea (24.6), tick (19%), mixed (12.7%) and mite (12%). The statistical analysis indicated that sex (X2=13.774, P=0.0001), body condition (X2=40.463, P=0.0001) and age (X2=6.129, P=0.013) were some of the important factors showed significant difference to ectoparasite infestation of small ruminants. No statistical significant difference (P>0.05) were found between the species of small ruminants and ectoparasite infestations. The major ectoparasites at genus level identified on sheep and goat, were Ctenocephalides spp (23%), Bovicola (20.6%), Linognathus species (11.9%) Rhipicephaluses (8.7%), Amblyomma (7.1%), sarcoptes (7.1%), Hyalomma (5%) and Demodex (4.8). This study was conducted to identify the major ectoparasite and their prevalence on the small ruminants in study area. The most important ectoparasite identified, were lice, flea, ticks and mite. Therefore based on the findings following recommendations are forwarded: Strategic treatment of small ruminants with insecticides should be practiced in the study area to minimize the impact of ectoparasite on the health of animals; Awareness creation for the local farmers about the control of ectoparasite is essential and Further detailed study on economic loss associated with ectoparasite should be conducted.

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