Investigation on external and internal parasites of wild pigeon(Columba livia) and Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis) in urmia city

Publication Type:Thesis
Year of Publication:2015
Authors:J. Mahmoudian
Academic Department:Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Date Published:2015
University:University of Urmia
City:Nazlu, Iran
Thesis Type:Degree of M.Sc. In Veterinary Parasitology.
Keywords:ectoparasites, Endoparatsites, Urmia. Iran

Attachment -only the abstract

Fourty five wild pigeons (Columba livia) and Fourty five doves (Streptopelia senegalensis) were examined for internal and external parasitic infections.This study was carried out during February and May 2012, and June 2015 in Urmia city West Azerbaijan of Iran. All collected birds were examined in parasitology labratoary of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia university. The results were
indicated that (17/76%) and (24/44%) of wild pigeons were infected to Pseudolynchia, and Columbicola columbae .The results showed that (8/88%) of doves were infected with Columbicola columbae. (4/44%) and (26/64%) of wild pigeons and doves were infected to Tricomonas galinae. The results also indicated (13/32%) and (6/66%) of wild pigeons and doves were infected with Eimeria spp.
Only one cestode (Raillietina magninomida) was reported from (11/11%) examined of wild pigeons. More studies should be done on distribution of parasites infection effect on these wild birds the region.

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