Prevalence and intensity of parasitic infection in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchas) in Gilan Province, Northern Iran

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2017
Authors:B. Shemshadi, Ranjbar-bahadori, S., Delfan-abazari, M.
Journal:Comparative Clinical Pathology
Date Published:Oct-27-2016
ISSN:1618-5641, 1618-565X
Keywords:Duck, Iran, Lipeurus squalidus, Parasitic Infection

This study was carried out to assess the levels of parasitic infection in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchas) in Gilan Province, Northern Iran. During the summer of 2015, samples were collected randomly from local markets at different villages in Gilan Province. Blood samples were collected in EDTA-treated tubes, blood smear slides created, stained with giemsa and examined for the presence of blood protozoa. Ectoparasites samples were collected and identified according to Wall and Shearer (2001). To assess endoparasitic infection, the ducks’ gastrointestinal tracts were removed and the various parts identified and opened. Parasites were collected, fixed in methanol, cleared with lactophenol and stained with borax carmine. Collected parasites were identified according to the descriptions given by Soulsby (1982) and Yamaguti (1958a, b). 56.6 % of ducks were infected with protozoan parasites, with the most prevalent of which being Tricomonas gallinae (prevalence 23.3 %, intensity 18 ± 2.5) followed by Cryptosporidium bailey (prevalence 16.6 %, intensity 15.44 ± 16.5) and Eimeria oocyst (prevalence 16.6 %, intensity 17.56 ± 12.5). Also found on the feathers and body surface were two species of lice (Menocanthus stranineus and Liperus squalidus), one species of tick (Argas persicus) and one of flea (Ctenocephalides canis). Prevalence and intensity of the parasite infestation varied from species to species: M . stranineus (prevalence 100 %, intensity 43.33 ± 17.5), L. squalidus (prevalence 100 %, intensity 39.20 ± 12.42), A. persicus (prevalence 75 %, intensity 35.24 ± 12.7) and C. canis (prevalence 60 %, intensity 30.16 ± 15.5). Helminthes parasite infection rate was 50 % in collected samples which consisted of Railletina tetragona (prevalence 26.6 %, intensity 19.34 ± 16.5), Heterakis gallinarum (prevalence 13.33 %, intensity 14.65 ± 12.5) and Capillaria (prevalence 10 %, intensity 12.56 ± 16.5). This study shows the prevalence of parasitic infection in domesticated ducks in Gilan Province, Iran. Findings indicate that applying protocols of management and applying preventative methods and treatment of infected cases are necessary to restrict parasitic infections in domestic ducks and other birds in this region.

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