Silicone in dermatology: An update

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2023
Authors:P. Bains, Kaur S.
Journal:Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery
Date Published:Jan-01-2023
Keywords:Silicone, silicone in dermatology, siloxanes

Silicones aka siloxanes are synthetic compounds, which contain siloxane bonds, i.e., the repeat unit –Si-O– with organic side groups such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, phenyl, fluoroalkyl, aminoalkyl, hydroxy, mercapto, hydrogen, and vinyl attached to the silicon atoms. They have ability to create short, long, or complex organosilicone oligomer and polymer particles. The siloxane bond in silicone is very strong and highly stable with nontoxic, noncarcinogenic, and hypoallergic properties. Silicone compounds have become one of the key ingredients in various skin care products namely moisturizers, sunscreen, color cosmetics, hair shampoos, etc. This review focuses on an update on various indications of silicone in dermatology. For this review, the literature search was conducted using keywords such as silicone and role of silicone

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