Renaming taxa on ethical grounds threatens nomenclatural stability and scientific communication

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2023
Authors:L. Miguel Pir Ceríaco, Aescht, E., Ahyong, S. T., Ballerio, A., Bouchard, P., Bourgoin, T., Dmitriev, D. A., Evenhuis, N. L., Grygier, M. J., Harvey, M. Stephen, Kottelat, M., Kluge, N., Krell, F. - T., Kojima, J. - I., Kullander, S. O., Lucinda, P. H. F., Lyal, C. H. C., Pyle, R. Lawrence, Rheindt, F. E., Scioscia, C. Luisa, Welter-Schultes, F., Whitmore, D., Yanega, D., Zhang, Z. - Q., Zhou, H. - Z., Pape, T.
Journal:Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Date Published:2023
Type of Article:Editorial
ISSN:0024-4082, 1096-3642

Scientific names are fundamental to biological sciences. Because they act as the primary labels for taxa, stable and universally accepted scientific names are crucial for clear and unambiguous data-sharing and communication worldwide. This is of paramount importance not only to science, but also to vital activities such as human and veterinary medicine, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and biological conservation xxxxxxx

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