Ectoparasites and endoparasites of goats in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:A. Edache Abah, Awi-Waadu, G. D. B., Sunday, F. O.
Date Published:Mar-01-2022
ISSN:2349-6800, 2320-7078
Keywords:ectoparasites, Endoparasites, goats, Nigeria, small ruminants

Parasitological problems can affect goats’ productivity, skin quality and be of zoonotic importance. This study determined the prevalence of ectoparasite and endoparasites in goats in Port Harcourt. A total of 150 animals were examined from four different locations. Ectoparasites were detected by brushing and examining with naked eyes, hand lens, and under the microscope. Endoparasites were detected by standard parasitological technique. Results indicate that ectoparasites were higher (61.3%) in goats than endoparasites (38.6%). Based on location, ectoparasites prevalence was higher in Uniport Agric farm (30.4%), this was followed by Mile 3 with (25.1%) while Rumuosi and Alakahia had 22.8% and 21.6% respectively. Endoparasites were higher (33.2%) at Uniport Agric farm, followed by Mile 3, (24.6%) then Rumuosi and Alakahia had (22.6%) and (19.5%) respectively. Ectoparasites identified were Caliseta species (38.1%), Demodex species (20.6%), while Ixodes species, Damalimia species, and Ctemacephalides species had (16.9%), (14.0%) and (10.3%). Endoparasites identified were Nimatodirus (41.0%), Trichuris species (23.8%), Moneiza species (22.3%), and Ascaris species (12.85). In conclusion, the prevalence of ectoparasites and endoparasites in Port Harcourt is relatively high. An awareness campaign about the importance and control of these parasites is recommended to forestall zoonosis risks.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith