Hygiene-related conditions that impact academic performance: An analytical cross-sectional study

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2023
Authors:J. Anne de Guzman, Anyayahan, J. Mae, Balcarse, K., Bandong, R., Calomadre, T., Decapia, K. Sushmita, Espino, M., Gonzales, A., Hilario, A., Lim, J., Orquin, A., Osias, L. Deo, Suliman, N. Mohamed
Journal:Asia Pacific Journal of Paediatric Child Health
Date Published:Jan - March 2023
Type of Article:Article no: 22914MKa082304 Research article

Background: Pediculosis capitis (PC), impacted cerumen (IC), and dental caries (DC) are conditions common in children, and may potentially affect academic performance.

Aims: To determine their correlation, particularly during critical stages of learning in early school years, 65 grades 1-3 students of West Fairview Elementary School of ages 6-9 underwent screening for these conditions. The test was also performed to determine the association with concomitant exposures, that is, the presence of two conditions in any combination, and all three of the conditions.

Methods: Academic performance was measured by General Weighted Averages (GWA), classified to Poor (PAP, GWA below 80), Good (GAP, GWA of 80-84), and Excellent (EAP, GWA of ≥85). To determine whether there is a significant association between academic performance and these conditions, chi-square test for association was done.

Results: Only PC was significantly correlated (p=0.012) with academic performance; however, in grade 3 alone, there was no significance (p=0.770). The number of conditions also showed significant correlation with academic performance. Interestingly, students without the conditions had no PAP, while those with two conditions had the highest prevalence of PAP (62.5%). All affected groups showed a significant correlation. PC, even alone, increased the odds of PAP, particularly in the lower grades 1-2, while IC and DC may also increase the odds, but only when present simultaneously with 1 or 2 other conditions.

Conclusion: Prevention and treatment of these conditions particularly, may help in improving academic performance of grades 1-3 children, and should receive special attention.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith