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Authors | Title | Year of Publication |
H. Fahrenholz | Zur Nomenklatur einiger Anopluren-Arten | 1916 |
H. Fahrenholz | Diagnosen neuer Anopluren. III. | 1916 |
L.J.S. Harrison | A preliminary account of the structure of the mouth-parts in the body-louse | 1916 |
G.Floyd Ferris | Anoplura from sea-lions of the pacific ocean | 1916 |
S. Uchida | Bird-infesting Mallophaga of Japan (II). (Genera Goniodes and Goniocotes) | 1916 |
L.J.S. Harrison | Bird-parasites and bird-phylogeny. Discussion | 1916 |
L.J.S. Harrison | The respiratory system of Mallophaga | 1915 |
V.Lyman Kellogg; G.Floyd Ferris | Anoplura and Mallophaga from Zululand | 1915 |
L.J.S. Harrison | Mallophaga from Apteryx, and their significance; with a note on the genus Rallicola | 1915 |
W. Bohne | Stubenfliegen als Träger von Läusen | 1915 |