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W. W. G. Büttiker, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Parasiten und Nestgäste der Felsenschwalbe (Riparia rupestris Scop.), Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 32, no. 2 u. 3, pp. 299-303, 1959.PDF icon 61069.pdf (8.13 MB)
K. Touleshkov, Haemodipsus lyriocephalus Burm (Anoplura) po Lepus europaeus Palas v Bulgaria, Izvestia na Zoologiceskija Institut pri Blgarskata Akad. Nauk., Sofia, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 119-120, 1959.PDF icon 61537.pdf (2.41 MB)
G. Floyd Ferris, Insects of Micronesia Anoplura, Bernice P Bishop Museum Bulletin, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 9 - 12, 1959.PDF icon 42170.pdf (880.31 KB)
K. Touleshkov, Mallophaga als Ektoparasiten der Hührenvögel (Gallinaceae), Izvestia na Zoologiceskija Institut pri Blgarskata Akad. Nauk., Sofia, vol. 8, pp. 15 - 21, 1959.PDF icon 45519.pdf (3.38 MB)
C. M. Ignoffo, Evaluation of techniques for recovering ectoparasites, Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science, vol. 65, pp. 540 - 545, 1958.PDF icon 48214.pdf (1.56 MB)
Z. Zielinski, The in vitro propagation of poultry feather lice, Wiadomosci parazytologiczne, vol. 4, no. 5-6, p. 793; English transl 794, 1958.PDF icon 46812.pdf (1.07 MB)
T. Clay, A note on some Antarctic Mallophaga, Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 13), vol. 1, pp. 250 - 256, 1958.PDF icon 39143.pdf (1.07 MB)
K. Touleshkov, Puchojadi (Mallophaga) vodnite ptici ot razredite Gressores, Steganopodes, Anseres, Tubinares i Pygopodes v Bulgarija, Izvestija na Zoologieeskija Institut s Muzei pri Blgarskata Akad. Nauk, Sofia, vol. 7, pp. 195 - 217, 1958.PDF icon 7633.pdf (2.41 MB)
J. Mouchet and Morel, P., Contribution à l'étude des Mallophages de France, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, vol. 62, pp. 153-159, 1957.PDF icon 61307.pdf (6.87 MB)
G. J. Spencer, Further records of Mallophaga from British Columbia birds, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, vol. 53, pp. 3 - 10, 1957.PDF icon 7813.pdf (586.58 KB)
H. Jürgen Stammer, Gedanken zu den parasitophyletischen Regeln und zur Evolution der Parasiten, Zoologischer Anzeiger, vol. 159, no. 11-12, pp. 255 - 267, 1957.PDF icon 42997.pdf (2.13 MB)
G. J. Spencer, Lice on a Bald-headed Eagle, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, vol. 53, p. 13, 1957.PDF icon 8589.pdf (142.8 KB)
B. Hocking, Louse control through textile fibre size, Bulletin of Entomological Research, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 507-517, 1957.PDF icon 61202.pdf (3.76 MB)
T. Clay, The Mallophaga of birds, in First symposium on host specificity among parasites of Vertebrates, 1957, vol. Institute of Zoology, University of Neuchâtel, pp. 120 - 158.PDF icon 39224.pdf (4.87 MB)


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