Pierre Mégnin

Name and Identifiers
Other/given name(s) : 
Family name: 
Professional information

1895; 1897;

Personal information
Birth Date: 
1828-01-01 to 1828-12-31
Date of Death: 
1905-01-01 to 1905-12-31

Professor of Zoology
School of Veterinary Medicine

He is best known for his work with dogs and forensic entomology.

Mégnin, born in Herimoncourt (Doubs) on 18 January 1828, went to school at the Ecole d' Alfort from 1849 till his graduation in 1853. In 1855, he became an army veterinarian. His books include"Maladies de la Peau des Animaux"(Animal Skin Diseases, 1867-1882), and"Maladies parasitaires"(Diseases caused by Parasites, 1880). Mégnin likewise worked on Acari (publications in this matter date between 1876 and 1879), and reported some of his results in his book"Faune des Tombeaux"(Fauna of the Tombs, 1887) [60]. No affiliation to a university or a Museum of Natural History was mentioned in his articles, and because he became a member of the French Academy of Medicine in 1893, one might conclude that he considered himself primarily a medical doctor.

Mégnin drew on his 15 years of medico-legal experience with corpses in publishing 14, mostly brief, papers between 1883 and 1896. 

Associated images: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith