
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. Fang, Fournier, P. - E., Houhamdi, L., Azad, A. F., Raoult, D.2003Detection of Rickettsia felis and R. typhi in fleas using monoclonal antibodies
P. - E. Fournier, Minnick, M. F., Lepidi, H., Salvo, E., Raoult, D.2001Experimental model of human body louse infection using green fluorescent protein-expressing Bartonella quintana
P. - E. Fournier, Ndihokubwayo, J. B., Guidran, J., Kelly, P. J., Raoult, D.2002Human pathogens in body and head lice
L. Houhamdi, Fournier, P. - E., Fang, R., Lepidi, H., Raoult, D.2002An experimental model of human body louse infection with Rickettsia prowazekii
L. Houhamdi, Fournier, P. - E., Fang, R., Raoult, D.2003An experimental model of human body louse infection with Rickettsia typhi
W. Li, Ortiz, G., Fournier, P. - E., Gimenez, G., Reed, D. L., Pittendrigh, B. R., Raoult, D.2010Genotyping of Human Lice Suggests Multiple Emergences of Body Lice from Local Head Louse Populations
P. Parola, Fournier, P. - E., Raoult, D.2006Bartonella quintana, lice, and molecular tools.
D. Raoult, Dutour, O., Houhamdi, L., Jankauskas, R., Fournier, P. - E., Ardagna, Y., Drancourt, M., Signoli, M., La, V. D., Macia, Y., Aboudharam, G.2006Evidence for Louse-Transmitted Diseases in Soldiers of Napoleon's Grand Army in Vilnius
B. La Scola, Fournier, P. - E., Brouqui, P., Raoult, D.2001Detection and culture of Bartonella quintana, Serratia marcescens, and Acinetobacter spp. from decontaminated human body lice
B. La Scola, Fournier, P. - E., Brouqui, P., Raoult, D.2001Detection and culture of Bartonella quintana, Serratia marcescens, and Acinetobacter spp. from decontaminated human body lice
Z. Yong, Fournier, P. - E., Rydkina, E. B., Raoult, D.2003The geographical segregation of human lice preceded that of Pediculus humanus capitis and Pediculus humanus humanus
Y. Zhu, Fournier, P. - E., Ogata, H., Raoult, D.2005Multispacer typing of Rickettsia prowazekii enabling epidemiological studies of epidemic typhus
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith