Bartonella quintana, lice, and molecular tools.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:P. Parola, Fournier, P. - E., Raoult, D.
Journal:Journal of Medical Entomology
Pagination:787 - 787
Date Published:2006

Comments on:First Molecular Evidence of Bartonella quintana in Pediculus humanus capitis (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) Collected from Nepalese Children. by TOSHINORI SASAKI, SHREE KANTA S POUDEL, HARUHIKO ISAWA, TOSHIHIKO HAYASHI, NAOMI SEKI, TAKASHI TOMITA, KYOKO SAWABE, AND MUTSUO KOBAYASHI see Ref. No. 46606

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