
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Anonymous2005Drugs for head lice
Anonymous2004A better way to treat head lice?
Anonymous2004Head lice. A common nuisance
Anonymous2004Follow-up: finding hard-to-find head lice
Anonymous2004Information from your family doctor. Head lice
Anonymous2003A parent's story: "I felt lost and hysterical"
Anonymous2003Dealing with head lice--how have times changed?
Anonymous2000Louse-y treatments
Anonymous1999Malathion for treatment of head lice
Anonymous1999Quarterly communicable disease review October to December 1998
Anonymous1998Working document combs out guidance on head lice
N. M. Ali2000Testing head lice
D. Z. Altschuler2003Parents know best
M. D. Amevigbe, Ferrer, A., Champorie, S., Monteny, N., Deunff, J., Richard-Lenoble, D.2000Isoenzymes of human lice: Pediculus humanus and P. capitis
Z. S. Amr, Nusier M. N.2000Pediculosis capitis in northern Jordan
M. Annells2004Guest editorial: eliminating head lice: itching to do the research
A. F. Azad, Beard C. B.1998Rickettsial pathogens and their arthropod vectors
A. M. Bailey2003Head lice: update on biology and control
A. M. Bailey2002Persistent head lice following multiple treatments
A. M. Bailey, Prociv P.2000Persistent head lice following multiple treatments: evidence for insecticide resistance in Pediculus humanus capitis
C. L. Bartels, Peterson, K. E., Taylor, K. L.2001Head lice resistance: itching that just won't stop
P. A. Becherel, Chosidow O.2002Ectoparasitic skin diseases. Scabies and pediculosis
T. A. Bell1998Treatment of Pediculus humanus var. capitis infestation in Cowlitz County, Washington, with ivermectin and the LiceMeister(R) comb
W. J. Bender2001Treatment of lice
L. Bloomers1979Insecticidal tests on immature head lice, Pediculus capitis (Anoplura)--A new technique
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Miscellaneous notes on the toxicity of some insecticides for the head louse, Pediculus capitis DeGeer (Anoplura)
D. Bloomfield, Adam H. M.2002Head lice
R. Borges, Mendes J.2002Epidemiological aspects of head lice in children attending day care centres, urban and rural schools in Uberlândia, central Brazil
C. M. Brenton2005Shaving for head lice is unnecessary and distressing
P. Brouqui, La Scola, B., Roux, V., Raoult, D.1999Chronic Bartonella quintana bacteremia in homeless patients
A. Buczek, Markowska-Gosik, D., Widomska, D., Kawa, I. M.2004Pediculosis capitis among schoolchildren in urban and rural areas of eastern Poland
I. F. Burgess2004Head lice
I. F. Burgess2003Head lice
I. F. Burgess2002Head lice
I. F. Burgess2002Detection combing
I. F. Burgess2002The life of a head louse
I. F. Burgess1998Head lice-developing a practical approach
I. F. Burgess, Brown, C. M., Lee, P. N.2005Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial
C. G. Burkhart2005A dermatologist's response to the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines on Head Lice
C. G. Burkhart2004Relationship of treatment-resistant head lice to the safety and efficacy of pediculicides
C. N. Burkhart2003Fomite transmission with head lice: a continuing controversy
C. N. Burkhart, Arbogast, J., Smythe, P., Burkhart, C. G.1999Histochemical analysis of the nit of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2004Head lice revisited: in vitro standardized tests and differences in malathion formulations
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2001Recommendation to standardize pediculicidal and ovicidal testing for head lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart C. G.2000The route of head lice transmission needs enlightenment for proper epidemiologic evaluations
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Clinical evidence of lice resistance to over-the-counter products
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Gunning, W. T.2000Scanning electron microscopy of adult head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) with focus on clinical implications
C. N. Burkhart, Burkhart, C. G., Gunning, W. T., Arbogast, J.1999Scanning electron microscopy of human head louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae) egg and its clinical ramifications
J. W. Burnett1991Lice infestation
D. A. Burns1987Action of cotrimoxazole on head lice


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith