
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
I. A. Fedorenko1983Chewing lice - Menoponidae
I. A. Fedorenko1979New for science representatives of the Gallacanthus Eichler and Menacanthus Neumann (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) genera
I. A. Fedorenko1978New species of genus Menacanthus Neumann (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) from Passeriformes of the Khabarovsk Territory
I. A. Fedorenko1975Materials to the louse fauna of Passerine birds of Ukraine. Part I. Suborder Amblycera
I. A. Fedorenko1974On the problem of some Ukrainian Passeriformes infestation with Mallophga
I. A. Fedorenko1969Mallophaga fauna in birds from the Lariformes order of the north Black Sea area
I. A. Fedorenko1968Mallophaga of snipes of the northern area of the Black Sea. II. Suborder Ischnocera
I. A. Fedorenko1967Puchoedy kulikov Severnogo Pricernomor`ja I. Podotrjad Amblycera
I. A. Fedorenko, Belskaya G. S.1980New species of Menacanthus Neumann (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) - parasite on Cannabina cannabina L.
I. A. Fedorenko, Belskaya G. S.1977New & seldom species of Menacanthus (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) parasites on Oenanthe oenanthe L.
I. A. Fedorenko, Kekilova A. F.1978Representatives of the genera Menacanthus Neum. and Hohorstiella Eichler (Mallophaga, Menoponidae)
I. A. Fedorenko, Kharambura Y. I.1980A new species of the genus Menacanthus Neumann (Mallophaga, Menoponidae) -a parasite from Anthus spinoletta (L.)
I. A. Fedorenko, Kharambura, Y. I., Akhmetzyanova, N. S.1980On subspecies of Menacanthus vistulanus Eichl. and Zlot. (Mallophaga, Amblycera, Menoponidae)
I. A. Fedorenko, Lunkaschu M. I.1987A new species of bird louse of the genus Menacanthus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the mistle-thrush (Turdus viscivorus L.)
I. A. Fedorenko, Vasjukova T. T.1981A description of new species Amyrsidea Ewing (Mallophaga, Somaphantidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith