
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. Floyd Ferris1953Illustrations of three species of sucking lice, with notes on a fourth species (Insecta, Anoplura)
R. Haitlinger1976Parasitological investigations of small mammals of Góry Sowie(Middle Sudetes). III: Anoplura (Insecta) l
O. Jancke1938Die Anopluren Deutschlands
K. Chung Kim1969The Frost Entomological Museum
W. H. Lawrence, Hays, K. L., Graham, S. A.1965Arthropod ectoparasites from some Northern Michigan mammals
P. Marcos Linardi, Botelho, J. Ramiro, Neves, D. P., Cunha, H. C.1984Sobre alguns ectoparasitos de roedores silvestres de Belo Horizonte, MG [Some ectoparasites of wild rodents of Belo Horizonte, Mato Grosso]
A. C. Mishra, Bhat H. R.1972Hoplopleura vandeleuria, sp. nov. and Hoplopleura alticola, sp. nov. (Anoplura: Hoplopleuridae) from Indian rodents
F. Xavier Pajot1967Anoploures de rongeurs et d'insectivores de la République Centrafricaine
H. E. Paterson1954New sucking lice (Anoplura) from South Africa
R. Paulian, Pajot F. Xavier1966Anoploures de la République Centrafricaine et du Congo (Brazzaville)
E. Ries1931Die Symbiose der Läuse und Federlinge
R. A. Ronderos1965Notas sobre Anoplura Argentinos (Insecta).Un nuevo Hoplopleurinae de Cricetidae (Rodentia), Hoplopleura scapteromydis sp. n. (Hoplopleuridae)
R. A. Ronderos, Capri J. J.1966Anoplura Argentinos. II. (Insecta)
R. A. Ronderos, Capri J. J.1965Anoplura argentinos (Insecta). I
E. F. Sosnina1979Sucking lice of Gerbills from Tasgikistan
E. F. Sosnina1970Infestation of small rodents with sucking lice in the Crimea mountain forest zone
E. F. Sosnina1951A new species of louse of the turkestan rat from Tadzhikistan
E. F. Sosnina, Davydov G. S.1973Anoplura of Lagomorpha (Mammalia) of Tajikistan
E. F. Sosnina, Dubinina E. V.1982On sucking lice (Anoplura) from some voles of Tien-Shan (USSR)
E. F. Sosnina, Nazarova, I. V., L. Sadekova, K.1981Lice (Anoplura) of small mammals in the Volga-Kama Preserve
E. F. Sosnina, Tikhvinskaya M. V.1969Infestation of the water vole by sucking lice in the Volga-Kama Territory
E. F. Sosnina, Visockaja, S., Markov, G., Hristov, L.1969Beitrag zur Arthropodenfauna auf Kleinsäugern in Bulgarien
F. Leoni Werneck1937Algumas especies e subspecies novas de Anoplura
F. Leoni Werneck1932Sobre uma especie nova de Hoplopleura (Anoplura, Haematopinidae) (Nota prévia)
F. Leoni Werneck1931Sur une nouvelle espèce de pou (Hoplopleura brasiliensis)
N. Wilson1972Insects of Micronesia: Anoplura, supplement
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith