
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
B. Nilsson1976A gynandromorph of the mallophagan Goniodes colchici from Phasianus colchicus
R. D. Price1976A new species of Podargoecus (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from Tasmania
W. Eichler1976Anatoecus icterodes zlotorzyckae nom. nov. Mallophagorum
R. Edwin Elbel1976Bucerocophorus, a new genus of ischnoceran Mallophaga from African hornbills (Bucerotidae)
J. Tendeiro1976Estudos sobre os Goniodídeos (Mallophaga, Ischnocera) dos Columbiformes. Género Auricotes Kéler, 1939.
J. Złotorzycka1976Europaische Arten der Mallophagen-Gattung Pleurinirmus
I. Garcia Avila1976Haematophagus insects of Cuba
R. L. C. Pilgrim1976Mallophaga on the rock pigeon (Columbia livia) in New Zealand with key to their identification
E. S. Eveleigh, Threlfall W.1976Population dynamics of the lice (Mallophaga) on auks (Alcidae) from Newfoundland
E. H. Slifer1976Sense organs on the antennal flagellum of a bird louse (Mallophaga)
D. M. de Tena, Hernández-Rodríguez, S., Becerra, C., Calero, R., Moreno, T., Martínez-Gómez, F. J.1976Struthiolipeurus ñandu 1950 (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) parásito del avestruz (Struthio camelus) en el parque zoológico de Córdoba
J. Złotorzycka, Lucińska A.1976Systematische Studien an europaischen Arten der Gattungen Philopterus und Docophorulus (Mallophaga, Philopteridae). I. Tiel. Die Gattung Docophorulus Eichler
W. Eichler1976Teratological Columbicola females from Cairo
B. Kishore Tandan1976The species of Ardeicola (Phthiraptera) on Threskiornis (Aves)
T. Clay1976The species of Ibidoecus (Phthiraptera) on Threskiornis (Aves)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith