
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
A. Sherbourne Le Souëf, Bullen H.1902Description of a mallophagous parasite from the kangaroo
G. H. E. Hopkins1946Stray notes on Mallophaga - VII
K. C. Emerson1962A new species of Mallophaga from New Guinea
S. von Kéler1971A revision of the Australian Boopiidae (Insecta: Phthiraptera): with notes on the Trimenoponidae
T. Clay1981Lice (Phthiraptera: Boopidae) parasitic on Marsupials
S. C. Barker1988Evolution in the Heterodoxus octoseriatus group (Boopiidae: Phthiraptera) and the development of host associations with Petrogale (Marsupialia)
S. C. Barker, Close R. L.1990Zoogeography and Host associations of the Heterodoxus octoseriatus group and H. ampullatus (Phthiraptera: Boopiidae) from rock wallabies (Marsupialia: Petrogale)
S. C. Barker1991Phylogeny of the Heterodoxus octoseriatus group (Phthiraptera, Boopiidae) from rock wallabies (Marsupialia, Petrogale)
S. C. Barker1991Evolution of host-parasite associations among species of lice and rock-wallabies: coevolution? (J. F. A. Sprent Prize lecture, August 1990)
S. C. Barker, Close, R. L., Briscoe, D. A.1991Genetic divergence in Heterodoxus octoseriatus (Phthiraptera)
S. C. Barker, Briscoe, D. A., Close, R. L.1992Phylogeny inferred from allozymes in the Heterodoxus octoseriatus group of species (Phthiraptera: Boopiidae)
C. A. Bee, Close R. L.1993Mitochondrial DNA analysis of introgression between adjacent taxa of rock-wallabies, Petrogale species (Marsupialia: Macropodidae)
I. Beveridge, Chilton, N. B., Andrews, R. H.1995Relationships within the Rugopharynx delta species complex (Nematoda, Strongyloidea) from Australian marsupials inferred from allozyme electrophoretic data
S. C. Barker1996Lice, cospeciation and parasitism
R. L. Palma1996First records of marsupial lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Boopiidae) on a brushtailed rock wallaby from New Zealand
R. Shao, Campbell, N. J. H., Barker, S. C.2001Numerous gene rearrangements in the mitochondrial genome of the wallaby louse, Heterodoxus macropus (Phthiraptera)
K. Mounsey, Harvey, R. J., Wilkinson, V., Takano, K., Old, J. M., Stannard, H. J., Wicker, L., Phalen, D., Carver, S.2022Drug dose and animal welfare: important considerations in the treatment of wildlife
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith