
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
Z. Wegner1972Wszy-Anoplura. Czesc XVI.
V. B. Wigglesworth1950The principles of insect physiology
I. W. B. Thornton1985The geographical and ecological distribution of arboreal Psocoptera
J. Złotorzycka, Eichler, W., Ludwig, H. Wolfgang1974Taxonomy and biology of Mallophaga and Anoplura of domestic animals of central Europe
A. Hase1931Siphunculata; Anoplura; Aptera
B. Rosicky1959Raad VSI-Anoplura
E. van den Broek, Jansen, Jr. J.1969Parasits of animals in the Netherlands. Supplement III: Ecto- and endoparasites in wild mammals
L. George Neumann1909Notes sur les Pédiculidés
D. I. Blagoveshtchensky1960Lice (Siphunculata) of domestic mammals
G. D. Sergienko1974Lice
J. - C. Beaucournu1968Les Anoploures de Lagomorphes, Rongeurs et Insectivores dans le Région Paléarctique Occidentale et en particulier en France
S. von Kéler1963Insekten 1. Tiel 13. Ordnung: Läuselinge, Federlinge und Haarlinge Mallóphaga
H. Wolfgang Ludwig1982Host Specifity in Anoplura and Coevolution of Anoplura and Mammalia
H. Weber, Weidner H.1973Grundlagen der Insektenkunde
E. van den Broek1977De luizen (Anoplura and Mallophaga) van zoogdieren in Nederland
G. Floyd Ferris1935Contributions toward a monograph of the sucking lice
K. Torre, vonDalla1908Anoplura
G. A. H. Bedford1926A synoptic check-list and hostlist of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia. Part I
G. A. H. Bedford1932A synoptic check-list and hostlist of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia. (Second Edition)
Z. Wegner1971A review of animal lice species (Anoplura) found in Poland and in three other European countries compared with the now known lice species composition in Central Europe. Compt. rend
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith