
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
M. Paiva Valim, Palma R. L.2006A new species of Brueelia Kéler, 1936 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from the blue-black grassquit (Aves: Passeriformes: Emberizidae) in Brazil
M. P. Lanzarot, Martín-Mateo, M. Paz, Merino, S., Fernández-García, M.2005A redescription of Neophilopterus tricolor (Burmeister, 1838) (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from the black stork Ciconia nigra (L.) (Aves) with notes on its prevalence
R. L. Palma, Pilgrim R. L. C.1987A revision of the genus Perineus (Phthiraptera, Philopteridae)
V. Stuart Smith2000Basal ischnoceran louse phylogeny (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Goniodidae and Heptapsogasteridae)
O. Sychra, Literák, I., Čapek, M., Havlícek, M.2006Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from typical antbirds and ground antbirds (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae, Formicariidae) from Costa Rica, with descriptions of three new species of the genera Formicaphagus and Myrsidea
T. Najer, Sychra, O., KOUNEK, F. I. L. I. P., Papoušek, I., Hung, N. Manh2014Chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) from wild birds in southern Vietnam, with descriptions of two new species
R. L. Palma, Imber M. J.2000Coexistence of two species of Halipeurus (Phthiraptera) on Chatham Island taiko (Pterodroma magentae) (Aves)
J. C. Banks, Palma, R. L., Paterson, A. M.2006Cophylogenetic relationships between penguins and their chewing lice
E. Mey, Stubbe, M., Lchagvasuren, D., Stubbe, A.2016Der Mönchsgeier Aegypius monachus (L., 1766) und seine Mallophagen (Insecta, Phthiraptera) in der Mongolei
D. M. Tompkins, Jones, T., Clayton, D. H.1996Effect of vertically transmitted ectoparasites on the reproductive success of swifts (Apus apus)
D. R. Gustafsson, Bush S. E.2015Four new species of Brueelia Kéler, 1936 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from African songbirds (Passeriformes: Sturnidae and Laniidae)
D. M. Tompkins, Clayton D. H.1999Host resources govern the specificity of swiftlet lice: size matters
O. Sychra, Literák, I., Podzemný, P., Benedikt, V.2008Insect ectoparasites from wild passerine birds in the Czech Republic
O. Sychra, Literák, I., Podzemný, P., Harmat, P., Hrabák, R.2011Insect ectoparasites on wild birds in the Czech Republic during the pre-breeding period
D. H. Clayton, Johnson K. P.2003Linking coevolutionary history to ecological process: Doves and lice
J. Hughes, Kennedy, M., Johnson, K. P., Palma, R. L., Page, R. D. M.2007Multiple cophylogenetic analyses reveal frequent cospeciation between Pelecaniform birds and Pectinopygus lice
M. Soledad Sepúlveda, Palma, R. L., Ochoa-Acuña, H.1997New records of feather lice from some seabirds in Chile
R. L. Palma1994New synonymies in the lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) infesting albatrosses and petrels (Procellariformes)
R. D. Price, Palma, R. L., Hellenthal, R. A.1997New synonymies of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) described from the Falconiformes (Aves)
R. L. C. Pilgrim, Palma R. L.1994New synonymy between Philopterus antarcticus and Saemundssonia nivea (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae)
J. M. Pérez, I. Martínez, R., Cooper, J. E.1996Occurence of chewing lice on spanish raptors
M. Paiva Valim, Botão-Miranda R. A.2005Occurrence of Pseudomenopon pilosum (Scopoli, 1763) (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) in Brazil
A. M. Paterson, Gray, R. D., Wallis, G. P.1993Parasites, petrels and penguins: does louse presence reflect seabird phylogeny?
A. K. Lindholm, Venter, G. J., Ueckermann, E. A.1998Persistence of passerine ectoparasites on the diederik cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius
R. L. Palma, Price R. D.2000Philopterus novaezealandiae, a new species of chewing louse (Phthiraptera : Philopteridae) from the kokako (Passeriformes : Callaeidae)
P. L. M. Lee, Clayton D. H.1995Population biology of swift (Apus apus) ectoparasites in relation to host reproductive success
E. Mey2005Psittacobrosus bechsteini: a new extinct chewing louse (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Amblycera) off the Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor (Psittaciiformes), with an annotated review of fossil and recently extinct animal lice
K. P. Johnson, Kennedy, M., McCracken, K. G.2006Reinterpreting the origins of flamingo lice: cospeciation or host-switching?
R. D. Price, Clayton D. H.1995Review of Formicaricola (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from ground antbirds (Passeriformes: Formicariidae)
T. Wappler, Smith, V. Stuart, Dalgleish, R. C.2004Scratching an ancient itch: an Eocene bird louse fossil
S. Chandra, Agarwal, G. P., Singh, S. P. N., Saxena, A. Kumar1990Seasonal changes in a population of Menacanthus eurysternus (Mallophaga, Amblycera) on the common myna Acridotheres tristis
J. L. Tella, Jovani R.2000Sources of variability in aggregation and sex ratios of Crataerina melbae (Diptera : Hippoboscidae) among adult colonial alpine swifts
J. Krištofík2000Synonymical notes to the Menacanthus species (Phthiraptera, Menoponidae) living on Passeriformes (Aves)
deL. M. Brooke, Nakamura H.1998The acquisition of host-specific feather lice by common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus)
M. C. Trivedi, Rawat, B. S., Saxena, A. Kumar1991The distribution of lice (Phthiraptera) on poultry (Gallus domesticus)
R. L. Palma1994The identity of Nirmus obtusus and other Quadraceps species (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Clipperton Island and the Galàpagos Islands
P. R. Kettle1983The seasonal incidence of parasitism by Phthiraptera on starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in England
O. Sychra, KOLENCIK, S. T. A. N. I. S. L. A. V., Palma, R. L.2016Three new species of Myrsidea (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from New Zealand passerines (Aves: Passeriformes)
D. R. Gustafsson, Bush S. E.2014Two new species of Paraphilopterus Mey, 2004 (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) from New Guinean bowerbirds (Passeriformes: Ptilonorhynchidae) and satinbirds (Passeriformes: Cnemophilidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith