
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
A. Petrescu, Adam C.2000"Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818) (Diptera:Carnidae) parasite on Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Meropidae) in Southern Romania
M. A. R. Ansari1956A host-list of phthirapteran parasites (lice) found on Indo-Pakistan mammals (mammalia) and birds (aves)
G. B. Thompson1950A list of the type hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them
T. Clay, Tandan B. Kishore1967A new genus and species of Philopteridae (Mallophaga)
Y. Oniki, Emerson K. C.1982A new species of Brueelia (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from the rufous motmot Baryphthengus ruficapillus (Vieillot) (Coraciiformes: Momotidae)
T. Clay1950A preliminary survey of the distribution of Mallophaga ('Feather lice') on the class Aves (Birds)
R. A. Ringuelet1947Aceros e insectos parásitos, nuevos para la fauna argentina
R. Edwin Elbel1967Amblyceran Mallophaga found on the Bucerotidae (Hornbills)
R. Edwin Elbel1976Bucerocophorus, a new genus of ischnoceran Mallophaga from African hornbills (Bucerotidae)
R. Edwin Elbel1977Buceroemersonia, a new genus of ischnoceran Mallophaga found on the hornbill genus Tockus (Bucerotidae)
T. Najer, Sychra, O., KOUNEK, F. I. L. I. P., Papoušek, I., Hung, N. Manh2014Chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera and Ischnocera) from wild birds in southern Vietnam, with descriptions of two new species
J. Krištofík, Darolová, A., Hoi, C., Hoi, H.2007Determinants of population biology of the chewing louse Brueelia apiastri (Mallophaga, Philopteridae) on the European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
J. Krištofík, Masan, P., Sustek, Z.1996Ectoparasites of bee-eater (Merops apiaster) and arthropods in its nests
A. Alahmed, Nasser, M. Gamal El- D., Shobrak, M., Dik, B.2012First records of the chewing lice (Phthiraptera) associated with European Bee Eater (Merops apiaster) in Saudi Arabia
M. Rothschild, Clay T.1952Fleas, Flukes & Cuckoos: A Study of Bird Parasites
A. Darolová, Hoi, H., Krištofík, J., Hoi, C.2001Horizontal and vertical ectoparasite transmission of three species of Mallophaga, and individual variation in european bee-eaters (Merops apiaster)
F. Valera, Casas-Crivillé, A., Hoi, H.2003Interspecific parasite exchange in a mixed colony of birds
A. Petrescu, Adam C.2001Interspecific relations in the populations of Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Coraciiformes) of southern Romania
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1903Mallophaga from birds of Costa Rica, Central America
B. Kishore Tandan1955Mallophagan parasites from Indian birds. Part IV. Species belonging to the genera Philopterus, Capraiella and Pectinopygus (Superfamily Ischnocera)
W. Eichler1944Mallophagan Synopsis. XI. Genus Alcedoecus
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1963New and little known Mallophaga from Venezuelan birds (Part II)
M. A. Carriker, Jr.1959New species of Mallophaga (Alcedoffula and Philopterus) from Columbia and the United States. Neotropical miscellany 12
G. B. Thompson1937Notes on Mallophaga. V.
J. Tendeiro1983Nouvelles observations sur les Mallophages (Insecta, Mallophaga) parasites des Alcédinidés
M. A. R. Ansari1956Revision of the Brüelia (Mallophaga) species infesting the Corvidae Part I
J. Tendeiro1979Sur une nouvelle espèce de genre Alcedoecus Th. Clay et Meinertzhagen (Mallophaga, Ischnocera): A. mossambicanus n. sp., parasite d'Halcyon albiventris orientalis W. Peters
T. Clay1951Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part III
T. Clay1953Systematic notes on the Piaget collections of Mallophaga. - Part IV
R. D. Price, Emerson K. C.1977The genus Meromenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Coraciiformes (Aves)
H. Hoi, Darolová, A., Konig, C., Krištofík, J.1998The relation between colony size, breeding density and ectoparasite loads of adult European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster)
H. Rak, Anwar, M., Niak, A.1975The species of mallophaga in wild birds in Iran
K. C. Emerson, Price R. D.1978Two new species of Emersoniella (Mallophaga: Philopteridae) from New Guinea kingfishers
J. Tendeiro1961Études sur les Mallophages. Sur une troisième espèce du genre Hopkinsiella Th. Clay et Meinertzhagen (Ischnocera, Philopteridae): Hopkinsiella clavigera n. sp., parasite de Phoeniculus purpureus subspp
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith