Nouvelles observations sur les Mallophages (Insecta, Mallophaga) parasites des Alcédinidés

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1983
Authors:J. Tendeiro
Journal:Garcia de Orta, Série Zoologia
Pagination:107 - 114
Date Published:1983
Keywords:mtax, PHP

Continuing his prior studies on Mallophaga off Alcinidae, the author describes three [sic should be four] new species of the genus Alcedoecus Th. Clay & Meiertzhagen, 1939, respectively: 1 - Alcedoecus orientalis n. sp. , parasite of Halcyon albiventris orientalis Peters, from Mozambique; 2 - A. nepalensis n. sp. off Ceryle (Megacerila) lugubris guttulata Steyneger, from Nepal; 3 - A. sanctus n. sp. off Halycon s. sancta Vigors & Horsfield, from Java and Indonesia; and 4 - A. luzonica n. sp., off Cey c. cyanopectus Lafresnaye, from Filippines.

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