
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
D. Keilin, Nuttall G. H. F.1919Relations of head and body lice of man
J. Ruhräh1934Delousing the head
Anonymous1942The head louse and modern hairdressing
C. F. W. Muesebeck1953Scientific names of the body and head lice
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A. Khan1976Study on the myceteome of Pediculus humanus capitis
C. W. Schaefer1978Ecological separation of the human head lice and body lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
T. K. Kim, Pak, C. P., Ho, S.1984Head louse infestation among students in Yongyang-gun Kyongsnagbuk-to, Korea
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K. Y. Mumcuoglu1988Head lice in Israel (in Hebrew)
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Z. Vermaak1996Model for the control of Pediculus humanus capitis
I. F. Burgess1998Cutaneous parasites
M. M. A. de Doucet, Miranda, M. B., Bertolotti, M. A.1998Infectivity of entomogenous nematodes (Steinernematidae and heterorhabditidae) to Pediculus humanus capitis De Geer (Anoplura : Pediculidae)
P. A. Becherel, Barete, S., Frances, C., Chosidow, O.1999Ectoparasitoses (pediculosis and scabies): therapeutics
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Ingber A.1999Epidemiology and control of head lice infestations in Israel
C. G. Burkhart, Burkhart C. N.2000Use of topical nicotine for treatment of Pediculus humanus capitis (Anaplura : Pediculidae)
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G. A. Mougabure-Cueto, Vassena, C. V., González-Audino, P., Picollo, M. Inés, Zerba, E. Nicolás2000Efectividad de lociones capilares sobre poblaciones de Pediculus capitis resistentes a insecticidas
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I. M. Cestari, Sarti, S. J., Waib, C. M., Braco, Jr., A. C.2004Evaluation of the potential insecticide activity of Tagetes minuta (Aseraceae) essential oils against the head lice Pediculus humanus capitis (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae)
N. P. Leo, Barker S. C.2005Unravelling the evolution of the head lice and body lice of humans
A. Ceferino Toloza, Zygadlo, J., Mougabure-Cueto, G. A., Zerba, E. Nicolás, Faillaci, S., Picollo, M. Inés2006The fumigant and repellent activity of aliphatic lactones against Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
M. Kristensen, Knorr, M., Rasmussen, A. - M., Jespersen, J. B.2006Survey of Permethrin and Malathion Resistance in Human Head Lice Populations from Denmark
K. Y. Mumcuoglu, Friger, M., Cohen, R.2006Use of temperature and water immersion to control the human body louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
K. Sup Yoon, Strycharz, J. P., Gao, J. - R., Takano-Lee, M., Edman, J. D., J. Clark, M.2006An improved in vitro rearing system for the human head louse allows the determination of resistance to formulated pediculicides
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith