
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
A. Macalister1869Note on Gyropus dicotylis, a new species of parasite
B. Frederic Cummings1913On some points in the anatomy of the mouth-parts of the Mallophaga
B. Frederic Cummings1915On two new species of Polyplax (Anoplura) from Egypt
B. Frederic Cummings1916Studies on the Anoplura and Mallophaga, being a report on the collection from Mammals and Birds in the society's gardens. - Part II
B. Frederic Cummings1916Studies on the Anoplura and Mallophaga, being a report on the collection from Mammals and Birds in the society's gardens. - Part I
J. Waterston1926On the crop contents of certain Mallophaga
J. Waterston1928The Mallophaga of sand-grouse
E. Schwarz1929On the local races and distribution of the Black and White Colobus Monkeys
G. A. H. Bedford1932Trichodectidae (Mallophaga) parasitic on Procaviidae
T. Clay1936Two new genera of Mallophaga
T. Clay1936New species of Mallophaga recorded from Asiatic birds
J. E. Webb1946Spiracle structure as a guide to the phylogenetic relationships of the Anoplura (Biting and Sucking lice), with notes on the affinities of the mammalian hosts
J. A. Webb1947Spiracle structure in the Siphunculata. - Genus Prolinognathus Ewing (with notes on the affinities of the hosts, the Procaviidae)
T. Clay1947A preliminary key to the genera of the Menoponidae (Mallophaga)
J. E. Webb1948Eyes in the Siphunculata
J. E. Webb1948The origin of the atrial spines in the spiracles os sucking lice of the genus Haematopinus Leach
J. E. Webb1948Siphunculata of the genus Haematopinus Leach infesting equidae, with a description of a new subspecies of Haematopinus asini (L.) from a Zebra
C. D. Radford1949New parasitic mites (Acarina: Myialgesidae and Listr
G. H. E. Hopkins1949Technique for mounting lice
J. E. Webb1949The evolution and host-relationships of the sucking lice of the Ferungulata
T. Clay1953Revisions of the genera of Mallophaga - I. The Rallicola-complex
T. Clay1962The lice (Phthiraptera) of elephants and wart-hogs
T. Clay1963A new species of Haematomyzus Piaget (Phthiraptera, Insecta)
T. Clay1970A preliminary key to the genera of the Menoponidae (Mallophaga)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith