
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
E. Csiki1905A bivalytetürol
M. J. Ineson1954A comparison of the parasites of wild and domestic pigs in New Zealand
C. F. Weisser, Kim K. Chung1972A new species of Haematopinus (Haematopinidae: Anoplura) from a Philippine deer, Cervus nigricans (Cervicidae: Artiodactyla)
J. A. Ledger1971A new species of Linognathus (Anoplura: Linognathidae) from the Damra dikdik
J. A. Ledger1973A new species of Linognathus (Pthiraptera: Linognathidae) from the feet of an African antelope
G. B. Thompson1938A new species of Solenopotes (Anoplura, Siphunculata)
T. H. Johnston, Harrison L. J. S.1913A note on Australien Pediculids
G. A. H. Bedford1936A synoptic check-list and host-list of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia (Supplement No.1.)
R. T. Rao, Dhanda, V., Bhat, H. R., Kulkarni, S. M.1973Abstract: A survey of Haematophagus arthropods in Western Himalayas, Sikkim and hill districts of West Bengal: a general account
E. Dudich1923Adatok hazánk Anoplura-faunájához
M. A. R. Ansari1958Alphabetical list of the hosts of Phthiraptera from the collection of the Institute of Parasitology of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris.
P. L. G. Benoit1959Anoplura du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Genres Haematopinus, Linognathus et Pedicinus
G. J. Spencer1966Anoplura from British Columbia and some adjacent areas
K. Touleshkov1957Anoplura on undomesticated mammals in Bulgaria
P. L. G. Benoit1969Anoplura recueillis par le Dr. A. Elbl au Rwanda et au Kivu (Congo)
P. L. G. Benoit1961Anoplures du Centre Africain
F. E. Kellogg, Kistner, T. P., Strickland, R. K., Gerrish, R. R.1971Arthropod parasites collected from whitetailed deer
I. G. Horak, Biggs, H. C., Reinecke, R. K.1984Arthropod parasites of Hartmann's mountain sebra, Equus zebra hartmannae, in South West Africa/Namibia
W. P. Meleney1975Arthropod parasites of the collard peccary Tayassu-Tajacu Artiodactyla Tayassiudae from New Mexico, USA
A. Smetana1962Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bionomie der mitteleuropäischen Kleinsäugerläuse
C. Ludwig Nitzsch1864Beobachtungen der Arten von Pediculus
H. Weber1929Biologische Untersuchungen an der Schweinelaus (Haematopinus suis L.) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sinnesphysiologie
H. Ourmazdi, Baker K.1974Bionomics of cattle lice in Ireland
O. Brunetti, Cribbs H.1971California deer deaths due to massive infestations by the louse (Linognathus africanus)
M. Imes1918Cattle lice and how to eradicate them
G. Floyd Ferris1916Cervophthirus crassicornis (N.) (Anoplura)
N. A. Bezukladnikova1957Concerning the lice of the wild animals in Kazakhstan
T. G. Mel´nikova1960Contributions to the ecology of the louse Haematopinus suis L. of the Central Asian wild-boar
R. S. Buchanan, Coles P. G.1971Control of lice on cattle with Dursban
A. C. Mishra, Singh K. N.1978Description of Haemtopinus oliveri nov. spec. (Anoplura: Haematopinidae) parasitizing Sus salvanius in India
H. Ellsworth Ewing1927Description of three new species of sucking lice, together with a key to some related species of the genus Polyplax
G. A. H. Bedford1927Descriptions of three new species of Anoplura from South African mammals
H. Fahrenholz1916Diagnosen neuer Anopluren. III.
E. Cziki1904Die Läuse. A tetvek
J. Maldonado Capriles, Gaud S. Medina1971Distribution and abundance of the cattle-tail louse Haematopinus quadripertusus (Anoplura, Haematopinidae) in Puerto Rico
W. M. Samuel, Grinnell, E. R., Kennedy, A. J.1980Ectoparasites (Mallophaga, Anoplura, Acari) on Mule Deer, Odoceulus hemionus, and White-tailed Deer, Odoceulus virgianus, of Alberta, Canada
F. Kamyszek, Piotrowski R.1974Ectoparasites in swine and cattle. I: Pediculosis in Pigs and its prevention
R. H. Peters1933Ectoparasites of deer in Pennsylvania
H. N. Shah, Beg M. K.1974Ectoparasites of domestic animals and poultry of Peshawar District, North West Frontier
C. D. Steelman1976Effects of external and internal arthropod parasites on domestic livestock production
W. W. G. Büttiker1949Eine neue Antilopenlaus, Linognathus geigyi n.sp.
L. Freund1918Eine seltene Rinderlaus in Böhmen
F. Rudow1869Einige neue Pediculinen
S. Kadulski1973Ekolgia pasozytow zewnetrznych Cervidae i Suidae Polski
G. Bouvier1956Ektoparasiten schweizerischer Wildsäugetiere
J. H. Young1953Embryology of the Mouthparts of Anoplura
C. Conci1946Fauna di Romagna (collezione Zangheri) Anopluri e Siffonatteri
C. Gerwel1953Haematopinus aperis Ferris (Anoplura) in Poland
F. Zumpt1942Haematopinus aperis Ferris, eine für Deutschland neue Läuseart
K. Chung Kim, Weisser C. F.1973Haematopinus eurysternus (Denny, 1842) (Haematopinidae, Anoplura, Insecta): proposed validation under the Plenary Powers


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith