
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
H. Ellsworth Ewing1926Some recent generic derivitives of the mallophagan genus Philopterus Nitzsch (Philopteridae)
G. A. H. Bedford1926A synoptic check-list and hostlist of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia. Part I
L. Freund1926Läusestudie VI: Menschen- und Affenläuse
W. Pick1926Über den Geruchsinn der Läuse
R. Thaxter1926Contribution towards a monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae
W. M. Artobolewskij1926K ornitofaunie Semli eukeej
G. Floyd Ferris1926The Mallophagan family Menoponidae. Part 2
B. Galli-Valerio1926Parasitologische Untersuchungen und Beiträge zur parasitologischen Technik
F. E. Guyton1926Preliminary report on sodium flouride as a control for cattle lice
L. J. S. Harrison1926Crucial evidence for antarctic radiation
W. Hellén1926Nya Mallophag-fynd
W. Hellén1926Verzeichnis der in den Jahren 1921-1925 für die Fauna Finnlands neu hinzugekommenen Insektenarten
M. Henry, Belschner H. G.1926External parasites of sheep. With plans for sheep-dip construction
M. Imes1926Lice, mange and ticks of horses and methods of control and eradication
A. Everett Shipley1926Parasitism in evolution
R. Stettner1926Cuprex als Ungeziefermittel bei Hunden
J. Waterston1926On the occurrence of Lagopoecus affinis Children in eastern Siberia
J. Waterston1926On the crop contents of certain Mallophaga
J. Waterston1926On an unusual clue to the identify of a species
G. C. Crampton1926A Comparison of the Neck and Prothoracic Sclerites Through the Orders of Insects from the Standpoint of Phylogeny
H. A. Baylis1926On the correct use of host-names. An appeal to parasitologists
C. Ferrière1926La phoresie chez les insectes
S. Uchida1926Studies on amblycerous Mallophaga of Japan
H. Ellsworth Ewing1926A revision of the American lice of the genus Pediculus, together with a consideration of their geographical and host distribution
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith