
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
C. W. Schaefer1978Ecological separation of the human head lice and body lice (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
I. A. Fedorenko1978Materials on the Mallophaga fauna on Passeriformes of the Ukraine. Communication IV. Philopterinae (Mallophaga, Ischnocera). Part 2
L. Cais, Mitev D.1978New Lice (Anoplura) in Bulgarian Fauna
Ddel Carmen Castro1978Nuevas citas de Anoplura para Argentina (Insecta)
E. Dynum, Ward, C., Meeks, D.1978Hog louse Haematopinus suis population growth and distribution on its host
M. J. Faucheux1978Les poux de l´homme:2. Les species Muccales chez Pediculus humanus capitis de Geer, et Pthirus pubis (L.)
V. Khachoian, Araklian L.1978Case of the transmission of the rat trypanosome by lice
K. Chung Kim1978Anoplura
M. Mazzini1978Indagine comparativa sulle stutture microphilari e corionidee delle uova di Pediculus humanus capitis e Haematopinus suis (Insecta, Anoplura)
M. Mazzini, Ermini G.1978Sulla fine struttura del microphil negli insetti. 9. Morfolgie dell´uovo di Pediculus humanus capitis de Geer (Anoplura: Pediculidae)
W. P. Meleney1978Surveillance and collection of arthropods of veterinary importance.3. Sucking lice (Order Anoplura)
Z. Szczesna1978Sense organs on the legs of Pediculus humanus humanus L. (Anoplura, Pediculidae) nymphs and imagines
V. I. Volkov, Dolgikh, A. M., Katsko, V. I., Zarubina, V. N., Prasolova, N. N.1978Ectoparasites of small mammals from the north-eastern part of Baikal-Amur Railway
F. Weyer1978Zur Frage der zunehmenden Verlausung und der Rolle von Läusen als Krankheitüberträger
I. L. Zaugg1978Comparative antigeniv analysis of the cattle lice Haematopinus eurysternus, H. quadripertusus and Linognathus vituli
W. J. Foreyt, Long, G. G., Gates, N. L.1978Trichodectes canis: Severe pediculosis in coyotes
J. Porkert1978Massenvermehrung von Goniocotes megalocephalus auf einem traumageschädigten Haselhahn
J. Złotorzycka1978Mallophaga. Superfamily Philopteroidea, family Philopteridae
A. M. Manville1978Ecto- and endoparasites of the black bear in northern Wisconsin
J. Rékási1978Die Federling-Sammlung des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums. I.
S. Kadulski1978Biting louse Rhapdopedilon longicornis (Nitzsch) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) from red deer - Cervus elaphus L.
J. Porkert1978Zur Schädigung der Tetraoniden durch Mallophaga
K. V. Lakshminarayana, Emerson K. C.1978Evolutionary trend in two sympatric species of Goniocotes (Phthiraptera: Ischnocerophthirina) with remarks on their phylogeny
E. T. Lyons, Keyes, M. C., Conlogue, J.1978Activities of dichlorvos or disophenol against the hookworm (Uncinaria lucasi) and sucking lice of northern fur seal pups (Callorhinus ursinus) os St. Paul Island, Alaska
L. Bloomers1978The efficacy of malathion shampoo against head louse infestation
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Head lice in the Netherlands: susceptibility for insecticides in field samples
J. Porkert1978Massive infestation of Goniocotes megalocephalus on an injured hazel-cock
P. J. Manent, Serre, L., Maille, M.1978Unusual blepharitis due to swimming pools
I. Dittmann, Eichler W.1978Head louse of man (Pediculus capitis)
L. Vuksic, Pecic J.1978The effect of detergents on Pediculus vestimenti
N. A. Nikulina1978Lice fauna (Anoplura) of small mammals from the Charskaya Hollow
G. N. Chin, Denslow G. T.1978Pediculosis ciliaris
H. H. Wolff, Selzle D.1978Pediculus vestimentorum, Sarcoptes scabiei, Pulex irritans. Scanning electron microscopy
D. M. Lauer, Sonenshine D. E.1978Adaptations of membrane feeding techniques for feeding the squirrel flea, Orchopeas howardi, and the squirrel louse, Neohaematopinus sciuropteri, with notes on the feeding of the human body louse, Pediculus humanus var. corporis
J. Gonin1978Lice: an important problem of school medicine
A. Ogunrinade1978Pediculosis of a three-month-old baby
L. Bloomers, van Lennep M.1978Miscellaneous notes on the toxicity of some insecticides for the head louse, Pediculus capitis DeGeer (Anoplura)
A. Mocci Demartis, Restivo M. Antonietta1978Contributo all studio dei Mallofagi di rapaci diurni
A. C. Kirkwood, Quick M. P.1978The efficacy of showers for control of ectoparasites of sheep
P. Mehrotra, Singh T.1978Haematopinus sp found on Indian goats
S. N. Buriro, Akbar S. S.1978Incidence and occurrence of ectoparasites of poultry in Pakistan
C. Moreby1978The biting louse genus Werneckiella (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) ectoparasitic on the horse family Equidae (Mammalia: Perissodactyla)
H. Mester1978Zur Biologie von Kiebitz-Federlingen
R. M. Anderson, May R. M.1978Regulation and stability of host-parasite population interactions. I. Regulatory processes
N. A. Nikulina1978On the fauna of lice (Anoplura) from small mammals of the Charskaya Hollow
W. W. G. Büttiker, Mahnert V.1978Preliminary list of Anoplura (Insecta) from Switzerland
E. van den Broek1978Einige Ektoparasiten (Siphonaptera und Anoplura) von der Rötelmaus im Kanton Graubünden
J. R. Busvine1978Evidence from double infestations for the specific status of human head and body lice (Anoplura)
K. Chung Kim, Ludwig H. Wolfgang1978Phylogenetic relationships of parasitic psocodea and taxonomic position of the Anoplura
I. Dittmann, Eichler W.1978Die Kopflaus des Menschen (Pediculus capitis).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith