
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
A. Ingrid Vie Batista, de Lucena, G. Vinícius, Lopes, M. Fernandes, Costeira, J. Azevedo, de Farias, R. Citelli, Rolim, C. Michel de, Medeiros, F. Lucas Mont, Silva, J. Nayra Dant, Duarte, V. Maria de S., Gomes, L. Vanessa Le, Dantas, I. Leda Morei, Peireira, J. Soares2021Gyropus ovalis BURMEISTER, 1838 (PHTHIRAPTERA: GYROPIDAE) EM PORQUINHOS-DA-ÍNDIA (Cavia porcellus LINNAEUS, 1758) (RODENTIA: CAVIIDAE), JOÃO PESSOA, PARAÍBA, BRASIL
A. Bühler, Venzal, J. Manuel, Arancio, V. M., Sobrero, R., Orona, S., Goggi, J., Beldomenico, P. M., Colombo, V. C.2017Piojos (Phthiraptera) de Cavia aperea (Rodentia: Caviidae): nuevos registros para la provincia de Santa Fe
B. Dik2020Türkiye’deki evcil ve yabani memelilerde görülen bit (Phthiraptera) türleri
D. P. Furman0Exercise VIII Order Mallophaga
C. Gottfried Giebel1874Insecta epizoa. Die auf Säugetieren und Vögeln schmarotzenden Insecten nach Chr. Nitzsch's Nachlass bearbeilet
A. - R. Kazim, Houssaini, J., Tappe, D., Heo, C. - C.2023An annotated checklist of the chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera, Amblycera, Rhynchophthirina) from domestic and wild mammals in Malaysia
M. Kenis, Roques A.2010Lice and Fleas (Phthiraptera and Siphonaptera). Chapter 13.4 in Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe
K. M. D. Kuabara, Valim M. Paiva2021Phthiraptera
V. G. Kuznetsova, Gavrilov-Zimin, I. A., Grozeva, S. M., Golub, N.2021Comparative analysis of chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems in Paraneoptera (Insecta)
E. Captivo Lourenço, Lacerda, A. Carolina, Bergallo, Hde Godoy2020Lice community structure infesting Trinomys iheringi (Thomas, 1911) - Ocurrence, sex bias and climatic variables on tropical island
E. Captivo Lourenço, Pereira_e_Silva, M., Bergallo, Hde Godoy2024Protocolo de coleta, armazenamento e preparação de ectoparasitos de pequenos mamíferos terrestres em estudos de monitoramento nos módulos RAPELD Ilha Grande, estado do Rio de Janeiro
G. Meneses Ba de Oliveira, da Silva, I. Wesley Gom, Evaristo, A. Maria da C., Serpa, M. Carolina d, Campos, A. Noeli Silv, Dutra, V., Nakazato, L., Aguiar, D. Moura, Labruna, M. B., Horta, M. Claudio2020Tickborne pathogens in dogs, wild small mammals and their ectoparasites in the semi-arid Caatinga biome, northeastern Brazil
H. Scholl1955Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese der Mallophagen
M. Paiva Valim, Linardi P. Marcos2008A taxonomic catalog, including host and geographic distribution, of the species of the genus Gyropus Nitzsch (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Gyropidae)
S. von Kéler1955Einige Bemerkungen über den Bau der Tarsen von Gyropus und Gliricola (Mallophaga)
A. Yáñez-Meza, Moreno, L., Botto-Mahan, C.2018Ectoparasites of the endemic rodent Abrocoma bennetti (Hystricomorpha: Abrocomidae) from semiarid Chile
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith